
The 5 Critical Skills Video: 

Please read this short story as it’s VERY
 for your success online: 


When I first started working online, I honestly had no idea how idea how to succeed.
In 2018, I met a seven-figure mentor who began to share with me real marketing
skills that changed my life
. Let me explain in simple terms:

1. ONE: 

I began sending out my ads and getting 1000 hits to my ads. I did this for many months and eventually,
as I went through training, I was able to get more and more hits. I also got an occasional sale but not
very often. This frustrated me and I thought that if I ONLY had more advertising I would succeed.
So I pushed myself to get 3000 hits a week (it didn’t happen overnight, by the way) 
Also, my sales didn’t go up that much and I was greatly disappointed. 
I told my mentor this and he told me that getting sales had nothing to do with my
He told me it had everything to do with my list. 
And since I didn’t have a list, I started growing one from that moment on! 

Learning how to advertise and get a lot of hits is

Critical Skill #1: Effective Advertising. 


2. TWO: 

As a growing leader, I realized that the more interesting and
captivating my ad pages were (capture and splash pages), the more subscribers I could
 to build my list. Soon my team was helping me build my list as well.

This is all part of Critical Skill #2: Effective Capture Page Creation. 


3. THREE: 

My mentor showed me the importance of building a list with a good autoresponder.
I began with TrafficWave and built a list to 300 there. But eventually I realized that the 
Power Lead System (PLS) and AWeber were much better because
of something called “single opt-in”. 

They also had much better deliverability (which I knew nothing about as a new leader). PLS helped
me to develop my skills at building effective capture pages (and building my list,
tracking my hits and so forth) so I could capture my audience's attention and get more and more
subscribers to my list. And the bigger my list became, the more responses I got from it.

If you’re in PMS, then understand that you can build a list in PMS too but it is with a manual “responder”,
not an “autoresponder“. The difference being that you must send each message to your list manually 
in PMS through its responder (unless you connect PMS to an autoresponder).
PMS also has a capture page maker too, so this is a plus.

All this mentioned is a part of Critical Skill #3: Effective List Building.

4. FOUR: 

I didn’t realize until I had a growing list in my autoresponder, that there is a keyphrase
responsible for catching the attention of the reader
 and encouraging them to RESPOND back to you.

It wasn’t until this point in my journey, that I began to get people emailing me back to send
them more information
. I promptly did exactly that and as I got better at responding to my subscribers,
that things really began to change

Soon I was getting a new paid members joining my team each week 
(this was really new for me back in 2018).
 When I realized that I was doing this consistently,
I knew that I could get better and better (and I did) and soon my
team was getting larger and larger.

It went from 6 in June, to 35 in August, to 65 in December and by the end
of the following summer, I had hit over the 100 mark. You can do the same.
But it takes time and training to develop your mind
marketing skill level and leadership skills.

Everything I have described here is part of 
Critical Skill #4: Effective Communication with Your List. 


5. FIVE: 

The better I got at marketing and building my team, the better I also
began to get at building funnels. 

Funnels are a way to describe everything that happens to you from subscribing to a capture page (an ad),
going to the “Thank you Sales page” that comes next to share with you more about the opportunity,
the auto emails you get in your email box every day from your sponsor, the procedure that brings you to
the point of becoming a paying member and everything that happens to you after that point.

This is really advanced, so I’m not going to say more about it now but the
Training Points will explain further as you go from Step to Step!

This is all part of Critical Skill #5: Effective Funnel Building. 


Successful people just master the basics” (paraphrased from Jim Rohns quote).
You will realize that these 5 Critical Skills ARE the basics and as you focus on getting
better at these Critical Skills EVERY DAY
, I know and believe that you
will find success too (if you develop your mind and your social skills with it).


I truly hope this has helped you! 


Any other questions?
Email Albie below


~Albie Derbyshire




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